About the Author

Jo Ann Glim
Glim was born in Chicago, Illinois to a military family and raised in Anacortes, Washington in the far reaches of the Pacific Northwest in a three-generational household. Even though the family was poor, she never knew it. Poverty taught her life skills: self-sufficiency, creativity, and saving for a rainy day. Her childhood home was filled with love. Tragedy struck when she was fourteen and her mother passed away. Within three weeks, her grandparents were relocated to a nursing home in Illinois and she was taken in by her mother's sister. Everything she had known to be home was gone.
After she finished school, Glim's career followed three paths: MEDIA - (as a disc jockey/copywriter) WSDM-FM Chicago, KMPX-FM San Francisco, and KIKI-AM Hawaii; and continued in COMMUNICATIONS - a forty-year freelance portfolio with credits including an award-winning column in fourteen northern Illinois newspapers; one-liners for nationally known comedians; monthly articles for Manatee County Florida's Chamber of Commerce Current magazine, to name a few. She took courses in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - at a local college and after moving to the suburbs, began working for Kelly Services. Sixteen years later, she retired as an on-site Human Resources Manager responsible for the temporary needs of a Fortune 500 company.
She now lives in Florida with her husband, Bill, and their Scottish Terrier, Lucy. Her passions are writing, photography, and travel. She loves Chicago pizza, and is happiest travelling with her hubby, playing handbells, or on hiking trails with her camera and dog.